Submit your prayer request to our prayer team by completing the form below.
Care Group
Everyone has areas in their lives that cause them pain or keep them from moving forward in a truly healthy way. As Christ-followers, we can choose to deal with these areas and apply God's truth to our lives for healing. That's what Care Groups are all about. These groups provide a supportive and intentional setting for people to share their struggles in a safe way and to move forward in freedom.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Arthritis Foundation Exercise Group
Grief Share
College Care
Operation Santa Claus
Crisis Care
Death & Funerals
If you have experienced the loss of a family member, email us at or contact us at (616) 949-1360.
Trained, caring members of our ministry team are available to visit for prayer and encouragement if you or someone you know is hospitalized. Submit your request to our church office at (616) 949-1360 or email our office administrator at
Helping families in the Ada, Alto, Bowne Center, Caledonia, Cascade, and Vergennes Township. CCC is a part of a faith-based community connection of local churches that provides assistance with basic needs when families or individuals are experiencing financial hardships. If you are in need contact our office (616) 949-1360.